Monday, October 23, 2006

Not that I did anything spectacular, but I have to mention Oct 13 and 14 -- I led the music at two liturgies, one in Belleville for their annual Teachers Conference and the next day, a Mass at the Cardinal Rigali Center in St. Louis. Why do I have to mention it, you may ask? Well, it's a first, for me anyway, to have the honor of leading the music at liturgies with two different bishops on two consecutive days. That's what I call back to back!

On Friday, it was Bishop Braxton, who talked about the diginity of a teacher. He told a story of the great Thomas More, who offered a position of teacher to an ambitious power seeker named Richard the Rich (I think thats right). Anyways, the man increduously asked Thomas, "Who will know that I am teacher?" Thomas answered, "your friends, your family, your students, and your God, not too bad". He told it better than me.

Then on Saturday, Archbishop Burke gave an impassioned word on the dignity of life, especially in reference to Missouri Amendment 2. I'll just say the word again: Passion. I want to thank Archbishop Burke for delivering the word that so needs to be said and said with passion.

Every so often, something gets my blood boiling, and I have to say, this is one of them. Amendment 2 basically makes it a CONSTITUTIONAL right to clone human beings. Eggs are fertilized outside the womb, then destroyed for their stem cells. The supporters of this amendment are quite proud of themselves at how deceitful the wording of the amendment is. They troop out people on wheel chairs and who have terrible diseases. Look, I am very compassionate toward anybody dealing with life long diseases. But the problem is, these people then lie through their teeth about supposed cures and about cloning itself. They try to make this look like a technological issue, when its really all about financing their industry. Talk about big business, Ugh.

On one level, it's disgusting, but on another level, its scary because they MAY win, and it would make cloning another human being completely legal. In short, for the five people who read this blog, please vote NO.


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