Tuesday, October 04, 2005

To be a youth minister, i think it pays to have ADD. Well, at least major multi-tasking ability and a selective short memory.

Still, I don't want to have ADD like the news media. While most of the country has moved on or tuned out from the drastic events of late August and mid September, I want to remember.

In short, let's keep praying for and reaching out to the victims of the hurricanes. Alot of people lost homes or jobs. It is not as distant as it seems. I just interviewed a guy who was a teaching professor at the University of New Orleans. Since there is no more UNO, there is no more job. I am sure all of us have stories to tell...

To that end, we have a day of music and prayer planned at J.F. Kennedy High School on October 15 (3 to 10 PM). Don't tune it out -- come and join us, donate some money and remember we are one body in Christ. Thanks! :)


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