Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Amendment 2 passed. It's sunny out today, but it's a dark day. We have sentenced 1000's of people to death, and you can't do a damn thing about it.

Amendment 2 wasn't won at the polls. It was won the day the wording was approved for the ballot. The wording in it says that cloning is banned (yay!). But it says it approves "somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)"


When I look that up...

"In genetics and developmental biology, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a technique for creating an ovum with a donor nucleus ... it can be used in embryonic stem cell research, or in regenerative medicine where it is sometimes referred to "therapeutic cloning." It can also be used as the first step in the process of "reproductive cloning."

So yesterday was a victory for liars and deceivers. Congratulations.

I and many others prayed that this would not pass. And I have met many people of good will who supported it anyway. I know a college sophomore who is so mad at the Church, she is ready to turn her back on her faith. But I can't help but believe that she was deceived like so many others.

Somewhere, Satan is laughing.

But only for a short time. He will receive his come-uppance soon enough. In the mean time, we grieve and move on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You use "Wikipedia" as a reference?

Unless you're in the science and research field (which I am in - you can check your tracker), there is no way that a regular citizen can ever understand this as it should be understood...

Many years ago (try 18th century), many people and churches were against VACCINES and wanted them ABOLISHED. They felt that those who treated the child with this "trickery" were sinners.. Can you imagine what life would be like now had that backwards view of medicine and science prevailed?

It's something to think about. This is why it's important for science and medicine to progress. It also progresses over time (e.g. embryonic stem cell research experiments started ONLY in 1998)... Give it time...

11/08/2006 9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, he uses references like Dr. Harbour from Washington University. Would you like him to teach you about where life begins and why embryonic stem cell research is wrong? If they were doing something like killing human life to make vaccines back in the 18th century, then I should hope they were against them at that time. How many millions of lives should die before one "could" or "might" or "perhaps"
"possibly" (as the amendment proposers like to say)live?

11/08/2006 8:13 PM  
Blogger karl z said...

Yes, I am a "regular citizen", and you are in the science and research field and I am sure I can never understand this as it should. Cha.

I am an engineer myself, and am very supportive of research and development, and scientific advances. The company for which I work does it to make electric power systems safer and more reliable, for example.

Medical research is very emotional because it is so personal. You SO want to believe that this research can produce new cures. Your side sure as hell promised them! But at what cost? Science, at any level, has to have moral restraints.

Life begins at conception. That's not my political opinion, it's a biological fact. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) in reality "conceives" a human being, then destoys it for its stem cells.

Human life HAS to be protected! What have we become that we now kill our own to (maybe) improve our own chances? How many human embyos must be created and destroyed for "progress" to occur? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?

Moreover, if this "progress" was so promising, why don't venture capitalists invest in it? I'll answer that one: it has so little promise of success.

The reality is this was a money grab for public funds, pure and simple. It's big business.

Sorry you don't approve of wikipedia for a definition. I'm sure, being a researcher, you have better sources.

BTW, why did your side have to be so deceptive in the wording of the amendment? (.. curiously wondering if he'll get an honest answer..)

11/08/2006 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, the cluster of cells is human, however, just because it is a cluster of human cells does not make it a human life.

My hair is a cluster of human cells. My fingernails are clusters of cells. Yet, I do not cry or feel that I have murdered someone when I get my hair cut or clip my fingernails.

Actually, I view an embryo at this stage as a PRECURSOR to human life. It is a potential, but that potential has not yet been realized. Just because something has the potential to become a human being doesn't mean that we treat it AS a human being before the potential has been actualized.

For example, I have the potential to write a best-selling novel. However, I have not yet done so. Therefore, I don't expect people to treat me as some great writer since I have not shown my true potential in this area.

There is no deception in the wording AT ALL ---no loopholes as the opponents are claiming. It strictly bans human cloning. It's the first item listed. Anything below that is what people are twisting around and making a bigger issue that it actually is.

If "2000+ words" are going to hurt the heads of Missourians to read and understand, then we are REALLY in more trouble than we originally thought...

11/09/2006 2:29 PM  
Blogger karl z said...

Well, we disagree. I do not and cannot see a human embryo as "pre-cursor" to human life.

I hope and pray that some day you will reconsider your opinion.

11/11/2006 12:03 AM  

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