Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ok, it's been awhile, I admit. Last night, the band came over and we rehearsed "Save Me", "Epic", "Let Us Sing A New Song", and "Glorious Savior" with John, Pete, Eric, and Chris. And Paula, she kinda popped in and out, but brought her effusive smile.

I would say all four sounded good, probably "Glorious Savior" is closest to be being done done, except for working out vocals. Let Us Sing probably the least just b/c we are still working out what goes where.

Otherwise, gonna get me some coffee and go to work today, I guess I should say work work, like the one that actually pays bills haha.

hi from pz and me :)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor Day!

But alas, I didn't get my project finished in time last Friday, so I am working this morning, how funny. However, I DID get an iced caramel macchiato, so it can't be all bad.