Saturday, May 27, 2006

A nice pic of some of my friends from st. catherine's at bridgey's grad party. Love y'all.

Often, I don't know what to pray for. In fact, every day that goes by i become more like Lord, I don't know how to pray, your will be done. No disrespect, but I find it very curious, people who kinda tell God what to do. The closest I can get is, dear God, this is what I really want, but not my will but yours be done.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Had another nice, but busy weekend -- started Friday with a 6 PM graduation mass at St. Catherine's for the 8th graders -- I would like to think our music was good, but the musical highlight was easily the 4 8th graders who delivered Green Day's "Good Riddance". Then did a little Luke 18 thing with Pete Buncher and attended some of Bridgey's graduation festivities.

Also did a lot of songwriting -- one of the tunes is really close -- I always figure if it passes the Paula test, it is pretty good. She gives me unfiltered feedback -- haha -- if you know what I mean. I played a new one, "More of You, Less of Me" -- for her and it made the cut, so I played it with the band at rehearsal and for a few teens last night. I think it has legs -- gonna spring it on the Project Life folks this week.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

One breath at a time...

I am modef going to get a Mac pretty soon, but I don't think I am quite snobby enough to be an Apple owner. Gonna have to work on that one.

The reason..? Yep, finally gonna record this summer and Chris M and I need Reason to set up the loops and arrange the tunes before I mess with getting studio time, etc. It'll be fun. Let the espresso flow...

Otherwise, I am not sure what the future holds, so when anyone asks, I say the same thing... one breath at a time.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

A busy week and time for music -- played with Matthew Baute and company at the XLT anniversary Wednesday night -- Fr. Stan Fortuna came into town, played, sang, and prayed with the teens.

After, I was in awe a little sitting with him, Pete, Greg -- people who love the Lord and truly committed to serving the Lord. Fr. Stan talked about his passion for music and that was really the thing for a long time -- but Franciscan hints started coming from everywhere. He made the decision to join the Franciscans and was all ready to give up his music -- but their rules allowed their candidates to bring the tools of their trade. Like if I was carpenter, I could bring my hammer and nail gun, I guess.

Well, of course, Fr. Stan said I have all these guitars, bass guitars and amps, which one do I bring? All of them, they said. "All of them..?" So it became that Stan the musician became Stan the Friar Musician. As I say, I was mesmerized. I know he would say, hey brother, this was God working in my life. True enough. Still, I wish I had half of his passion and just 10% of his assuredness of knowing he is following God's call. There is a real beauty in religious life. But thats another blog, I think.

Monday, May 01, 2006

i have had 5 cokes in 79 days :)